Portland Pozzolana Cement
pozzolana cement is a blended cement in which OPC clinker is intergrinded with
gypsum and pozzolanic material in certain proposition. It
is also produced by grinding them separately and rigorously blending them in
certain proportions.
Compostion of Portland Pozzolana Cement
The main chemical
components of Portland cement are calcium,
silica, alumina and iron. It is obtained from limestone, marl or chalk, while
silica, alumina and iron come from the sands, clays and iron ore sources.
Why Pozzolanic
material is used in Cement?
It helps to increase the strength of concrete and therefore
consumption of PPC in the making of concrete
is lesser than OPC and so it is more cost effective.
Types of pozzolanamaterials :
1. Artificial pozzolana
Fly ash, silica fume, rice husk,
blast furnace slag.
2. Natural pozzolana
Burnt clay, pumicite, diatomaceous Earth.
Usages of Portland Pozzolana
- Used in hydraulic structures, marine
structures, construction near the sea shore, dam construction etc.
- Used in pre-stressed and post-tensioned
concrete members.
- Used in masonry mortars and plastering.
- It is used in decorative and art structures as
it gives better surface finish.
- Used in manufacture of precast sewage pipes.
- Used
under harsh concreting conditions.
Advantages of Portland Pozzolana Cement
· -> Materials
which is used in the production of PPC are made of natural recycled wastes and
therefore it is an eco-friendly cement.
-> It
is used in hydraulic structures,
marine structures, construction near the sea shore, dam construction etc.
because it has a very good resistance against sulphate attack.
-> It is environment friendly as it reduces the carbon
monoxide emission from the concrete making.
-> Shrinkage, honeycomb formation and bleeding can
be reduced in the construction because the pozzolano materials are very fine,
it can fill gaps between the reinforcement and aggregate and this results in
increase the strength and durability of concrete.
-> This
is widely used in pre-stressed and
post-tensioned concrete members.
-> It
is very good to use in plastering work as it is a very fine cement.
-> It
is very economical to use as it reduces the cost of cement because pozzolana
consists of silica material which makes it cheap.
Disadvantages of Portland
Pozzolana Cement
· -> Handing
of concrete is difficult as it contains very fine material.
· -> Setting
time is less compared to OPC.
· -> It
reduces the resistance of corrosion of steel reinforcement as reduction in
· -> It
effects the de-shuttering of
supports early as the initial strength obtained is less.
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